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What We Deliver:
Our Role in Your Process


You Initiate Your Search

Establish a search committee.

Organize a search process.

Create a projected search timeline.

Update the position description.

At this point in your in-house search you place your ads and simply wait a few weeks to see who may notice your ad and decide to apply. Then, you qualify the applicants and hire the most qualified individual who happened to see your ad.

We Build Your Candidate Pool*

​Your in-house search process lacks one essential component - aggressive candidate outreach. We focus a set of services on this one essential element and cultivate a superior pool of candidates.

Here's what we do:


  • Assist with any presearch planning.

  • Provide a detailed search schedule.

  • Complete a position assessment to fully understand the position, the qualifications, your organization, and the location.

  • Review your updated position description.

  • Create a position profile.

  • Develop a candidate acquisition strategy based on information gathered from the position assessment interviews, position description, and supplemental information.

  • Undertake rigorous, original research as the foundation for our search and identify hundreds of qualified potential candidates.

  • Write ad copy and assist in placement of ads and postings.

  • Host a dedicated webpage to include the position profile, pertinent links, and application contact information.

  • Design and send hundreds of email recruitment announcements.

  • Design, print, and send hundreds of direct mail recruitment postcards.

  • Assure confidentiality to all potential candidates.

  • Contact, via phone, hundreds of targeted individuals identified in the talent acquisition strategy to introduce the opportunity; discuss the position, organization, and location; send supplemental information; cultivate candidacies; and obtain nominations and networking referrals.

  • Further cultivate candidates through follow-up telephone and email contacts.

  • Receive and acknowledge all candidate application materials.

  • Confidentially post or forward all candidate application materials for your review, qualification, and search completion.

  • *Note: If your institution utilizes a web-based candidate application and tracking management system, and requires all applicants to apply through that system, we can accommodate and complement that process in our networking and inform and assist candidates in their application.

You Complete Your Search

Prequalify candidates.

Select and interview semifinalists.

Convene campus interviews.

Choose your winning candidate.

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