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Discover a new way to recruit.

You Complete Your Search

Review and prequalify candidates.
Select and interview semifinalists.
Convene finalist campus interviews.
Choose the winning candidate.


We Build Your Candidate Pool

You Initiate Your Search

Establish the search committee.
Develop a charge to the committee.
Update the position description.
Organize a search process.

What we do.

Here's What the
Research Tells Us

LinkedIn research indicates only 15% of potential candidates are willing to complete your online application if they happen to see your ad and the job sounds compelling. The other 85% need to be contacted directly, either by a search firm or colleague, and convinced the job you're offering is better than the one they have.

Your In-House Search Targets the 15%

You place your ads to target those potential applicants actively looking for a new position. Then, you simply wait a few weeks to see who may notice your ad and decide to apply. At that point, you review the candidate pool, qualify applicants, and make an offer to the most qualified individual who happened to see your ad.

We Achieve Proven Results By Targeting the 85%

Individuals in the 85% are not actively seeking a new position and, therefore, will not see your ads. Through our original research, we identify and target those individuals who meet your qualifications. Then, through an aggressive outreach campaign, we directly contact and personally cultivate those individuals into your search.

A deep, well-qualified applicant pool, just as you would with a full executive search firm.

Savings of $40,000, $50,000, or more vs. executive search firm fees.

A guarantee to continue our recruitment until you find your winning candidate.

What you get.
Don't just take our word for it.

"We needed to recruit, not just post and pray. Your cost effective services allowed us to do it. No way we could have engaged an executive search firm. Thanks for a great pool and successful search."

"We’ve been very pleased with our pools, focused where we needed them, and great for diversity. I do appreciate the fabulous job and strong candidates. You’re batting 1000."

"Thank you for all your help. This search was definitely a success, and I appreciate you so much for finding our new VP. I have worked with search firms before and by far and away you are the best."

"Thanks for reaching out. I got the postcard in the mail as well. You have a very rigorous method of getting the word out to possible candidates and you should be commended. Very tenacious."

"I cannot thank you enough for reaching out to me. I never would have applied for this position if you had not personally emailed me, called me, and then graciously answered my questions."

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Dean, School of Business

Dean, College of Health Sciences
Dean, School of Social Welfare


Carroll University

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Assistant Vice President for Development

Program Director, Occupational Therapy

Director of Facilities

Saint Martin's University

Vice President of Finance/CFO

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Dean, College of Education

Dean, School of Business
Dean of Admissions and Enrollment


Southwest Minnesota State University


Vice President, Enrollment Management


University of Idaho

Provost and Executive Vice President

Vice Provost, Strategic Enrollment Management

Vice Provost, Academic Initiatives

Vice President for Finance

Vice President for Research

Associate Vice President for Research

Associate Vice President for Development

Executive Director, University of Idaho Foundation

Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Dean, College of Business and Economics

Dean, College of Education

Dean, College of Science

Director for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Director for Distance and Extended Education

Chairs, College of Engineering

Endowed Professorship

St. Cloud State University

Associate Provost for Research

Dean, School of Public Affairs


Virginia Community College System

Presidential searches at nine community colleges, including Northern Virginia Community College, the second largest community college in the United States.

A few institutions we've served.
Join the savings.
Join the success.

Discover the recruitment success
and significant cost advantage of our
executive search consultation services.

I'd welcome a brief conversation to evaluate our fit for your executive search needs and discuss how we might serve you.

Gary R. Rhoads
President and Founder


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